Discretion is the Better Part of Valour

Discretion is the Better Part of Valour

It’s meant to be a joke. Caution is not the first port of call for the courageous. And yet this sarcasm has become a structural support for those seeking to extol the charity and practical wisdom of letting cooler heads prevail. But who cares, right? Who really...
How To Feel (fill in the blank)

How To Feel (fill in the blank)

There is a simple way to match that feeling you’re chasing with the reality you’re already living (and it’s not the secret or the law of attraction or anything else you’ve tried so far), I promise!   Let’s cut straight to the chase...
The Lollipop or the Lash?

The Lollipop or the Lash?

Sure, I could focus on what I’m not doing (yet). Make note of and draw attention to, say, the exercise regime of my ‘ideal self’ to-do list… I could feel bad about how different/better/healthier I might be if I had actually dedicated myself as...