It occurred to me whilst reading Joseph Campbell’s Pathway to Bliss, that if we have no models of nameless now, then, well, we have no models. Whatever conclusions we draw from this are our own doctrine(s) making themselves visible. For some the need to qualify and...
The Brahman Experience Let’s discuss the possibility that Brahman is nityaptasvarupa, no exceptions. Let’s talk about what it means to truly live from a place where Brahman is all that is – our ideas, experiences, loves, violence. I’ll start with some of the...
Consciousness of Choice It is not uncommon to hear people speak of happiness as a choice, as a state of mind. But what happens when we make happiness a goal instead of an experience? And how can we know happiness through dedication, without attaching ourselves to the...
What Does the Matrix, Advaita and Oneness Have in Common? 5am Monday morning. One month ’til Christmas and three weeks to moving house. All this measurement for planning seems inane, arbitrary; part of some busy work we do to fill the spaces where growing, tending and...
Last week I was instructed to write about the nature of service. I left it to focus on other stuff and then talking to a friend yesterday it came up again. “How can I serve others because I know when I’m serving others I am also serving myself” and I realised the...