Another Way To Understand Ourselves

Another Way To Understand Ourselves

If we want this planet to come together and function differently, we need three things: (1) Another way to understand what’s going on. (2) Another way to make sense of each other’s choices. (3) Another way to understand thyself.   John Keats died at age 25...
Another Way To Understand What’s Going On

Another Way To Understand What’s Going On

If we want this planet to come together and function differently, we need three things: (1) Another way to understand what’s going on. (2) Another way to make sense of each other’s choices. (3) Another way to understand thyself.   You are a gift. And this...


“Hallelujah! Finally someone is talking about Oneness as an experience rather than as an outcome. Let’s have that conversation!” How many times have we heard people claim they’re all about oneness and then start preaching how we...
Quantum Map

Quantum Map

Once you begin to say “yes” to this new way of being on the planet, this neutral consciousness, you will understand even the mind’s filters in a non-judgemental way. You will see all things as serving you no matter how crazy or illogical they seem. You will see the order in chaos and more than this, you will love playing it’s symphony is all things.

Quantum Map


When you want to do something for someone that they will not do for themselves or when you tell someone something they have not asked to hear, especially when it ‘helps’ them, this is not caring.