
acuity scheduling appointments

I work primarily as a writer. Otherwise most of my time is spent with the animals, in meditation or art-making. Rarely do I offer one-on-one sessions. However, I do make myself available to those who absolutely can’t find anyone like me to work with. Generally, that means people who’ve read the book and need to talk about how to implement the concepts into their life practice. Or people who’ve signed up as members of the Larger Project and want a little ‘support’ (also known as called the echo chamber).

There are three levels of support available. The first two I mentioned above – How To Be Medicine or the Larger Project. The third is a one-on-one I offer to people I’ve never worked with and have no working knowledge of my ideas. It is the most expensive. It’s designed that way. The prices are meant to be a deterrent. My interests lie elsewhere: not in playing the role of therapist or guide, and I do not encouraging anyone to seek me out for private sessions. The best mode of contact with me is through my projects – books, online experiences, and so on. That’s where I am most effective. That is where I am led. Everyday. That is where I am fulfilled. That is my purpose in action!


It may seem counterintuitive, at first, before we have a proper experience of it, to say that we are all doing what we can in this world and perhaps that’s a bridge too far for you in particular, which is perfectly fine, and won’t prevent you from experiencing everything you need to, everything that’s in store for you and, if it’s not, if you have a sense of it being true, that the world is as it is on purpose then this might be for you too.



Perfection is a given. It is everywhere. It is what-is. However, being able to conceive of it anywhere in our lives can be tricky. Especially where it’s showing up in ways that don’t fit with our sensibilities. That’s its nature. That’s how perfection works. It’s not about an ideal situation we can come to peace over. It’s what’s right in front of us at all times inĀ  every moment no matter what, including everything about, within and before you.

Wholeness is another given. We are, all of us, already whole. Already perfect. Already on purpose. The question then is how to proceed. Once one is no longer pursuing change or difference or betterment, what then is one here for? What then is one committed to and driven by? It is a worthy question served first, perhaps, by understanding fully the underlying ideologies we carry with us in our hearts and minds (often in conflict) that seem to make us who we are as people on Earth in separation.


Whatever’s going on in our lives, however we feel about what’s occurring (and not occurring, more likely), there’s a place to be revealed in the raw potentiality of life. A place of pure aliveness that acknowledges how rich not knowing can be.

In one moment we’re sad and unsatisfied. In the next, perhaps b/c of an event we associate with hopefulness and light, b/c of food and chemistry or any other combination of triggering events, we’re feeling fulfilled. With the trick of revelation, we’re experiencing the world, including our selves, in an entirely new way; from a completely different persepctive. You see it happen every day, to anyone, at any moment in the trajectory of their lives.

Only two things need to happen to change our lives completely and dramatically.


Back in 2013, I had a vision whilst in deep divine immersion. Emerging from the lake, I was handed a robe; the robe of a living master. As I looked around, everyone else emerging from the lake was also being given this robe, their robe in their own unique colour. And, as I looked out even further I saw that everyone in the world, on the planet and beyond, was receiving this robe.

It became clear to me, without words of any kind, that this was true everywhere at once. That we are all living masters, no matter how it seemed, no matter how unfathomable.

While this knowing without knowing is difficult, at times, to explain, I have come up with an exercise for people to try for themselves to open to their own knowing should they wish to explore it. I call it the Living Master Equation and it’s free!