Love Letter From Wholeness
“Some days feel like you’re chasing your tail, as if you would be more productive if only your time was spent working on projects that pave the way toward ultimate freedom. Freedom from doing the little things. From feeling small and inadequate. From having uncertain conversations in unpredictable places. Freedom from questioning if you have done enough today, if you are indeed, meeting your potential.
But it never seems to come. Not as that natural state of knowing you are more than enough, of feeling loved. It never comes because you believe it is an ideal self that deserves to experience the joy of life. You think it belongs to this other future ideal self with none of the qualities that plague your current predicament. None of the habits, weaknesses and prisons you now suffer (and in turn disappoint the world by not yet being more).
You believe everything will change when it happens, and all the world will recognise who you are… but this is not the divine way. The divine is chaos and beauty. It asks you to surrender and to simultaneously make noise and take up space. The divine is not to be tamed or directed, it is to be met in each moment with an openness that allows miracles to inhabit the most unlikely of people and places.
One day it will dawn on you that it’s not some potential self that sets you free, but who you are now. You with all the tendencies and temptations that colour your life. For even though it may inspire shame, disconnection and doubt, the wholeness of you inspires divine love. And it’s not in spite of these unwanted things that you achieve wholeness, for wholeness includes and celebrates everything for its own sake. The angels know what’s holy about your traits and fears. Ask them and they will surely point to all that is loveable about you… now.
Ask them and they will assure you there is no test to become whole, for wholeness is not what you become. It is who you are. Although it may seem hard, you need only recognise your wholeness to be free.
Recognise your wholeness as divine and accept all the ways you judge, distrust and disown yourself. This is who you truly are. The whole you. No excuses. No good and bad. No lesser and higher expressions. It’s all relevant, all valuable, and all sacred.
Remember, there is nothing for you to fix my love, you are already perfect for your purpose. Nothing for you to learn dear one, you are never separate from All That Is. Use this time to be present to yourself, however that transpires, and if there is room for trust, then let it fill your lungs and light your way for trust is divine!”
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